Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tasman Region river catchments

Today we looked at River catchments in our region.  Some we knew but there were lots that we didn't.
This is what we found out about water catchments today.

  1. A catchment is an area of land that ‘catches the rain’. The edges or boundaries of a catchment are the hills and ridges around it.
    Raindrops fall onto hills in a catchment, then collect together to form tributaries and streams. Water, in streams, continues the journey downhill with the force of gravity. Streams become larger and may eventually feed into a large river. The river flows through an estuary and out to the sea.
    Water flowing under the ground is called ‘groundwater’. Water enters the groundwater system through rivers, streams and also directly through the ground when it rains. 
Next week we are going to look at animal life around catchments.

Here is the link to the Tasman Region river catchments.

Tasman Region river catchments

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