Friday, August 10, 2012

Hamish's Revolting Recipe

Monster Munch Stew

This is a great meal for a lonely monster.

You will need these ingredients:

* 2 Frog legs * Tree sap x 10g * Baked beans x 1 cup * Spider legs x 8 * Sting ray tail x 1
* Rat eyes x 8 * Water x 2 cups  * Salt and pepper 

Equipment you will need:

* A big pot * A wooden spoon * Knife * Open fire * Plate * Mince muncher*


  1. First you will need to grab all your ingredients.
  2. Put all your ingredients in the mince muncher and turn the handle so all the ingredients squeeze through into the pot.
  3. Next put your two cups of water in.
  4. Then stir your stew with the wooden spoon.
  5. Grab the pot and put it over the fire.
  6. Then you will need to keep it over the fire for an hour and a half.
  7. After half an hour put some salt & pepper in if you would like too.


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