Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Falling off into the water!

I could hear his hooves pounding on the soft sand as we gathered more speed. We were going the fastest I had ever gone on a pony. I noticed that he was edging into the water. Then suddenly he shyed side ways into the silky sand.  Slowly a wave rolled in and he turn and galloped away. I could see the water rushing up to meet me I was waiting to hit the ground but I found myself being dragged through the water and let go of the reins. The water covered my face. I pulled myself out of the water my cloth's felt cold and heavy. I walked over to catch Danny Mum was running over to us. I was soaked to the skin. The water was about freezing! I gave Danny a pat I could fell sand sand up my back and my jodhpurs were heavy and wet. I was going to have to walk back to the horse float!

By Meg


Dave said...

Great writing! I like the descriptive language you have used to describe what was happening. I hope you didn't have to walk too far.

Anonymous said...

Awesome descriptive writing!!!!!