Friday, August 09, 2013

Abby's Readers Response Letter

Dear Megan

Geronimo just got on the 10th floor and saw a fortune-teller she said to get the girls attention you have to become famous by going exploring . When I read with you this week, you thought that this book was too easy for me so I got new book called Ramona and her mother

Ramona is having Willa Jean, Ramona's best friends little sister over and Ramona does not like her. So ramona is hiding everything that she loves so that Willa Jean can not play with anything that ramona loves and then Ramona thought of something. She thought she could give Willa Jean a present that takes ages to open so that Willa Jean will not bother her! So Ramona can have some fun with out Willa Jean. Ramona had no idea what to give Willa Jean so she sat in her room and then she thought of something a bathrobe because she had 2!

I am enjoying this book and it is more of a challenge for me.


1 comment:

Dave Sampson said...

Great work Abby! I can see you are enjoying this book by the detail with which you are sharing about it. It is great to have students who enjoy their learning.
You shine!