Tuesday, April 05, 2011

That Gorgeous Sea

I glanced out the window, the drive was taking AGES!
"How much longer," I groaned.

My stomach was full of butterflies. I was excited, but super nervous too.

When we FINALLY arrived at Marahau, the Year 6's met up at the start of the walk to Anchorage. The teachers gave us a quick briefing and then we were off - at a walk of course!

I was getting bored - I mean we've been walking for around 4 and a 1/2 hours! My feet were getting really hot in my stuffy sneakers and all I could see was the same barren path ahead.

"Uggh" I said as I plonked down on the sandy sea floor. I took off my backpack. We'd finally made it to Anchorage! I felt the cool sand beneath my fingers and lay down for a well deserved rest!


Sophie said...

Awesome writing! That walk must have been massive.
Did you go for a swim?

Jed & Cameron said...

That walk looks so long. I bet I couldn't survive it. How long was it?